Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Starting my hitchhiking adventure

DAY # 3 - part. 2/3


"How many man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success" - Elbert Hubbard.

So me, my backpack and my map started walking till somewhere near the highway. I had no idea how to hitchhike because I have just done it 3 times before in Brazil, but it was quite different. 

I was so unprepared that I didn't even had a bottle of water! I just walked till the highway because I wanted to visit some parts of the city where I was going to live. 

I wrote LYON as it was the biggest city in my way to Geneva.

I was wondering around with my not very big sign and after 20 min a car with 2 women told me that they could drive me to a better spot. Those women were the start of everything and made me believe that I had took the right decision. 

They left me even more near to the highway, but in the wrong direction. So I had to walk for a while to find a good spot. When I finally saw a good one, I stood in a visible area and use the "hitchhiker thumb" as my sign was too small to people get to see it. I waited for around half an hour standing up and no cars were stopping.

I started feeling sad and exhausted. I thought maybe I needed a bigger sign so I looked around and I saw some cardboard on the street and I took it and made a bigger sign.

Lyon... SVP?

I stood there for 1 more hour and when I was almost giving up, a car pulled around! I WAS THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON THE EARTH!

MONEY SPEND: 0 euros

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